

来源:航空动力学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2021-06-11


航空运单(Air Waybill,简称AWB)是承运人与托运人之间签订的运输契约,也是承运人或其代理人签发的货物收据。航空运单不仅应有承运人或其代理人签字,还必须有托运人签字。航空运单与铁路运单一样,不是物权凭证,不能凭以提取货物,必须作成记名抬头,不能背书转让。收货人凭航空公司的到货通知单和有关证明提货。航空运单正本一式三份,分别交托运人航空公司和随机带交收货人,副本若干份由航空公司按规定分发。

An air waybill (AWB) or air consignment note is a receipt issued by an international airline for goods and an evidence of the contract of carriage, it is a document of title to the goods. Hence, the air waybill is non-negotiable. The air waybill is the most important document issued by a carrier either directly or through its authorized agent. It is a non-negotiable transport document that covers the transport of cargo from airport to airport. By accepting a shipment, an IATA cargo agent is acting on behalf of the carrier whose air waybill is issued. Air waybills have eleven digit numbers which can be used to make bookings, check the status of delivery, and a current position of the shipment. Air waybills are issued in eight sets of different colors. The first three copies are classified as originals. The first original, green in colour, is the issuing carrier's copy. The second, coloured pink, is the consignee's copy. The third, coloured blue, is the shipper's copy. A fourth brown copy acts as the Delivery Receipt or proof of delivery. The other four copies are white.


1.航空主运单(MAWB,Master Air Waybill)


Master air waybill (MAWB) is a transport document, which is used in air shipments, issued and signed by the air cargo carrier or its agent, generally on a pre-printed carrier's air waybill format, evidences the terms and conditions of the carriage of goods over routes of the carrier(s). Master waybills can also be identified as an airline air waybills, with pre-printed issuing carrier identification.

2.航空分运单(HAWB,House Air Waybill)


House air waybill (HAWB) is a transport document, which is used in air shipments, issued and signed by a freight forwarder, generally on a natural air waybill format, evidences the terms and conditions of the carriage of goods as specified by the freight forwarder. Neutral air waybills, without pre-printed identification of the issuing carrier can be used to issuance of house air waybills.



An air waybill is a contract—an agreement enforceable by commercial law. To become a valid contract it has to be signed by the shipper or his agent and by the carrier or its authorized agent. Although the same individual or organisation may act on behalf of both the carrier and the shipper, the air waybill must be signed twice one each in the respective carrier and shipper boxes. Both signatures may be of the same person. This also implies that the air waybill should be issued immediately upon receipt of the goods and letter in instructions from the shipper.


文章来源:《航空动力学报》 网址: http://www.hkdlxbzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2021/0611/1327.html

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